Parents are expected to adhere to all the rules and regulations given in the school calendar.
This day emphasis on learning by doing, like involving the students in skill-based learning, art & craft activities, role-play, storytelling, games of both indoor and outdoor.
Co-operate with the school authorities by enforcing regularity, discipline, ensuring that their child prepares his/her lessons daily and takes an active interest in the activities of the school.
Meeting the students or teachers during school hours or entering into a class without the permission of the headmistress is strictly forbidden.
We earnestly recommend that you should check the Patasala Parent App / school calendar every day and see to it that the lessons, homework and assignments, messages or any other similar documents when requested or assigned for the next day, are done.
You should maintain the leave and absence record regularly.
When communicating with the headmistress, you are requested to mention in your letter the class and division of your child.
Only neat and legible letters written preferably on A4 size sheet will be accepted. (Refer to the format given in the school calendar)
Parents are strictly advised to refrain from engaging teachers from Holy Cross School to take private tuitions.
Plan your holidays according to the school vacation. Attending social functions such as marriages, parties, religious ceremonies etc. should be refrained from during school days as this leads to a disruption in the child's study routine
Working parents need to make it a point to spend quality time with their child.
Parents must wear the Parents ID card in the school campus.
Finally, it is a sincere plea to all parents to co-operate in the smooth running of the school by enforcing regularity, in matters pertaining to the progress and discipline of your child.